Collaborative Python Scripting

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Collaborative Python Scripting

An experiment in Python scripting by coding on the same page, using online collaborative editor

During our past workshops, we’ve noticed that some people jump into coding quickly while others hesitate and don’t know where to start. The more experienced write a lot of code, while others watch and feel powerless. This time, we want to set up things in different way and gather everyone on the same page, literally. For this, we will use a special version of the famous collaborative text editor called etherpad. This version hosted at has a plugin that enables code highlighting for many languages and thus also for Python.

This will be a first. We don’t know anyone yet that has been coding a Blender script using this method. But if it proves useful we might expand on the experience. This will allow also participants to remotly take part in this workshop. So you don’t even need to come to F/LAT, Brussels to enjoy this with us. All you’ll need is an internet connexion and get on this pad at the same time as the rest of us. The hours are different from our usual time. We will only meet between 13:00 and 18:00 on Saturday 28th of March 2015.

There is no set goal for what the script will do. It will certainly depend on how the participants collaborate. But we surely think that this is a great opportunity for the less experienced to join, as they will be able to actively participate in the editing of the script and so — we hope — learn a few tricks.

Sounds interesting to you? Then announce your participation on our mailing-list or by sending a mail to juego (at) requiem4tv (dot) com.

The Blender-Brussels is a series of monthly free and open workshops dedicated to Python creative coding using Blender. Started by François Zajéga and Julien Deswaef in 2012, these have become a regular meeting point for anyone interested in experimenting with code. It works as a communal space to exchange ideas and share knowledge as a way to learn. All results of these practices − exercises and documentation produced during the workshop − are shared online under an open source license.

This event is hosted at F/LAT − 45, rue du Canal − 1000 Brussels on Saturday 28th March 2015, starting at 13:00 and finishing at 18:00.

This event is funded by:


Digital Arts Commission of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation