ProcessingBGE and Freestyle

François did a presentation of his personnal poject called ProcessingBGE. It’s a simplification of the Python BGE API for beginners to quickly start producing generative 3D in Blender. It is, as the name suggests, inspired by Processing, but only meant for easing python scripting in the Blender game engine.

Julien presented the Freestyle, a non photo-realistic renderer capable of doing line drawings and other “cartoon-like” images. This seemed to interest the crowd present that day.

So the whole workshop was spent tweaking existing python scripts to be able to output vector images instead of raster images with Freestyle. These scripts output SVG files and are available here.

We did not manage to do multiple render passes with a single script. This could be brought up in a future workshop.

Announcements and comments were posted on the BBUG forum.

This event was hosted at Variable, 80 rue Gallait − Schaerbeek starting at 10:00 and finishing at 18:00.